Anna Baudrain-Haynes

Verified Professional Verified Professional
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Naturopathic, Nutrigenomic & Functional Nutritionist
Available for new clients
Available for new clients

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Bradford-on-Avon, Wiltshire, BA15
Available for new clients
Available for new clients

This professional is available for new clients.

About me

Anna Baudrain-Haynes NT is a fully insured & registered Nutritional Therapist with 15 years of clinical NT experience and 25 years of experience in the holistic healing arts. 

Anna draws upon extensive training and knowledge in Naturopathic Nutrition, Optimum Nutrition, Kinesiology, Nutrigenomics & Functional Nutrition, PSYCH-K, Emotion Code, AURA Regression & RAAH Healing arts, and more - to help you find answers.  Anna seeks to uncover the root cause to your disease and symptom presentations, considering the symptoms 'often just the branches' that we pay too much attention, as 'clues'.  Anna considers these 'clues' as she 'maps' nutritional, biochemical and lifestyle imbalances.  De-mystifying your symptom presentation, by acknowledging Antecedents, Triggers and Mediators, whilst plotting a viable route for resolution. 

Anna recognises that vibrant health and energy can only emerge once organs and systems work optimally and in synergy. Ultimately, we must be healthy enough to adapt to stress and life's stressors. 

Anna offers nutritional (nutrient & food) recommendations, tools, strategies, & brain gym processes that are bespoke, and unique to each health case.  All recommendations are based upon the Initial verbal feedback consultation, a detailed questionnaire, body biofeedback via Systematic Kinesiology, and bloodwork is very helpful too.  Further private Lab-work can be completed but is not always necessary.  

If we choose to 'dive in deeper' Anna loves to work with genomic wellness panels such as Lifecode GX and Smart DNA.  Through our Genomic Lab partners we can explore both our genomic pre-dispositions and genomic potentials.  This is best done whilst seeking to identify underlying toxicity triggers (nutritional, biochemical, pathogenic, environmental toxicant) that can and DO Dirty our Genes, understanding that all toxicity and loading potentiates Chronic Disease. 

Anna enjoys working in partnership with clients who show real commitment. Meaning those who take responsibility for their health, because she understands that health and recovery is a holistic process.  And in turn, she hopes to further engender self-responsibility by engaging, inspiring and motivating her clients with clear direction and proven strategies. 

A taste for Anna's work:

Anna considers the stress burden, the infectious burden and the toxic burden.  When a pathogen colonises in the body and produces a toxin, it adds to the toxic bucket.  Opportunistic infections or fungi and exogenous toxins commonly coexist.  To achieve robust health, understanding toxicant and pathogenic loading are key.  Looking at immune and cellular energy function (ATP) comes next.

Our endocrine system and detoxification system work in an orchestra, often collapsing into themselves when complex health symptoms are present. When symptoms are confusing we should seek to read between the lines of our singular symptoms, rather than feel caught up and focused on one singular symptom. Taking such a bird’s eye perspective by joining the dots between symptoms is our way back to restorative health.

What can I expect during the consultation:

Anna sets her clients up within two initial consultations, addressing current health symptoms, nutrient requirements and dietary advice. On-going consultation may be required to address the route cause of long-term health conditions. You can read all about these first two consultations here:

Results should be felt within as little as 7-21 days. However, where a chronic health condition is presenting, then ongoing support is recommended (6 months up to 24 months).

Anna works mainly with chronic and complex cases combining her knowledge of Functional Nutrition, Functional Medicine Lab panels and Nutrigenomics with Systematic Kinesiology (muscle testing).

"I am continually exploring how nutrition and balanced biochemistry can support us to find the best mood, energy, weight, outlook, digestion, and immunity – to name a few…… Fundamentally, I always seek to identify and manage the underlying cause of a symptom rather than to manage the symptom alone."

"Ultimately I stand to make a difference in the lives of my clients by offering a viable, natural and effective antidote to the pharmaceutical model as well introducing holistic therapies to our healing space.  I encourage sessions to be scheduled based upon your needs. Ultimately combining approaches works best."

Functional Medicine & Laboratory Testing

Specific lab tests can be really helpful and are recommended. Anna can refer you to either a private lab for testing if you cannot get all the necessary tests from your GP.  You can do many of these FM tests at home, easily and in private, to sample your urine, saliva or hair.

Anna does not pressure you to buy diagnostic tests but will help you identify the tests best suitable to your unique health challenges. She then interprets your results and adjusts the treatment plan accordingly.

The most commonly used Functional tests offered for chronic health conditions serve to identify pathogenic loading: Cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr, HSV-1, HSV-2, HHV6. As-well-as exogenous toxicant loading: Heavy metal analytes inc mercury, lead. Comprehensive food intolerance testing. Toxic Element Test & Toxic Clearance Test as well as parasitology.

Other popular panels:

GI Health Panels; Intestinal Permeability / Parasitology / Complete Digestion
Adrenal Stress Profile
Metabolic Analysis Profile
Peripheral Thyroid Testing
Food Intolerance Testing
Male and Female Hormone Panels: Progesterone / Oestradiol / Testosterone
Bone Resorption Testing

CBC Full Blood Analysis: A full blood panel (CBC) read with a functional eye will help read key markers (neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, eusinophils etc) from a functional perspective.

Nutrigenomics & Biotyping

Biotyping and Nutrigenomics both de-mystify the ’why do all diets not suit all people’ dilemma. Discover which which ’way of eating’ applies to you!

I have studied epigenetic health and nutrigenomics for more than 8 years. And offer personalised nutrigenomic and wellness reports generated through my clinic software.

I offer a service to all pre-existing clients, helping to make sense of their software generated nutrigenomic reports (genetic screening panels).

Systematic Kinesiology

A complete system of muscle testing, re-balancing and re-tuning the energy systems for therapeutic care. Anna uses her training in Systematic Kinesiology to support supplement selection and dosing. This guarantees that you will ONLY be taking priority supplements that support your optimal health.

More about me:


  • DipNN, DipNut, BA (hons)
  • Full Professional Indemnity Insurance
  • 15 years practice in Nutritional Therapy and Systematic kinesiology.
  • 25 years of practice in the Alternate healing arts to include yoga, meditation, kundalini yoga, reiki, EMF balancing.
  • Full-time Nutritional Therapist Many other therapists need to keep a part-time job for secure income, but this is the only work I do, so I can give 100% time, commitment and flexible appts to my clients. I can tell you honestly which supplement brands work, and which ‘free-from’ foods taste nice and which don’t!
  • I don’t stop studying! I attend lectures to keep up-to-date with the latest developments and trends in Nutrition.

Why Choose Me?

I take the time to listen to your unique story. Paying attention to all your signs and symptoms helps me to identify which hidden nutritional deficiencies and weaknesses of your organs, may be occurring in your body, (but I will always refer you to consult your GP to receive a medical diagnosis).

I take care to recommend only foods and supplements that will support your body in preparation for, during, or after any medical intervention, seeking to minimise any drug side effects.

Nature & Science

My approach blends the best of modern clinical research with the traditional principles of harnessing the healing power of Nature.

Focus on food

Healthy food is the cheapest, safest, and most natural long-term treatment, suitable for all ages: from babies to the elderly. Nutrition is not a fad nor an optional therapy – we all have to eat food to live!

Safe & effective supplements

I recommend an individualised prescription for you using quality vitamins, minerals, probiotics, herbals, omega fats, etc. Targetted

Bite-size goals

You choose even just 1 of my recommended goals that you know you can achieve at one time, so that you can regularly make small improvements that add up to big, positive and permanent changes of your eating plan and lifestyle. These little changes become an automatic part of your daily routine, so they are no longer an effort.

Friendly, gentle motivating support

I know what is realistically possible for busy people who juggle work and family commitments. I know how real life gets in the way of your best intentions! So I will not ‘judge’ or ‘lecture’ you – Nobody eats the perfect diet all of the time! YOU decide how strict you want to be with yourself. You set your own pace to make realistically achievable changes, to improve your eating plan and lifestyle. I am your guide, to help keep you motivated and enjoying nutritious food in your quest for good health.

Helping you to help yourself for life

Nutritional Therapy is not about temporary ‘quick fixes’ but long-term rewards. My aim is to empower you with nutritional knowledge, setting you on the right path to achieve your future health and energy goals.

For more information please do take the time to read through these pages on my website:

Training, qualifications & experience

  • Diploma in Natural Nutrition.
  • Diploma in Optimum Nutrition
  • Certificate to practice Hydrotherapy with West of England school of Hydrotherapy.
  • Certificate to practise Kinesiology, at Foundation levels 1-4
  • Certificate to practise EFT
  • PSYCH-K Advanced Practitioner
  • Emotion Code Practitioner

15 years of clinical experience.


£120.00 - £295.00

Additional information

Initial Nutritional Therapy Consultation: £295 per session 

Nutritional Therapy (session 2) - Food Tolerance Testing: £240 per session 

Nutritional Therapy (session 3) - Supplement Adjustment + Naturopathic Techniques & Support: £240 per session 

Emotional Detox & Life Alignment ( session 4) - PSYCH-K / Emotion Code / Emotional Freedom Technique: £240 per session 

Follow-up Nutritional Therapy / Emotion Code / PSYCH-K  Consultations @ £120 / hour

Laboratory tests are individually priced, subject to Lab fees.

When I work

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

Tuesday 11-4pm, Wednesday 11-4pm, Friday 11-4pm

Bradford-on-Avon, Wiltshire, BA15

Type of session

In person

Types of client

Children (0-12)
Young people (13-17)
Adults (25-64)
Older Adults (65+)

Key details

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