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Postnatal nutrition workshop - for women in their 3rd trimester
We do all sorts of things to prepare for having a baby, and we need to! But it's not often we think about food. You wouldn't go for a drive without making sure you had enough petrol or had charged the...
The 12-week health reset programme
12-Week Mind Over Food programme to help you drop a dress size or more> This is a no-nonsense programme for the busy women who wants a structured plan to help her hit the reset button on her weigh...
NCIFM practitioner mentoring programme
A 10-part programme designed to support practitioners beginning their Functional Medicine journey. Dates: Friday 10-12 am6th September, 13th September, 20th September, 27th September, 4th October,...
Midlife made easy
Midlife is a unique adventure, isn't it? If you're here, you might be nodding in agreement. The midlife transition can bring unexpected changes, and we understand it's not always easy. Perhaps you've...
Monthly health coaching
You are invited to join Michelle and Rebecca for monthly health and wellbeing coaching. We are all bombarded with conflicting and confusing messages about how to live a healthier lifestyle, and knowi...
Perimenopause/menopause weight loss and hormone programme
This unique and personalised programme is best suited for those women who want to: quit yo-yo dieting for good so you can make healthy choices in 2022 without feeling deprived and finally lose thos...
Wicked ways to talk to tweens about weight
What does this cover? A fact-packed, life hack filled video that will change the way you talk to the tweens (kids aged 8-12) in your life about food and how to maintain a healthy weight. In this eye-...
Helping tweens and teens who are still super faddy eaters
Fed up with mealtime meltdowns? Are you stressed out at mealtimes with a tween or teen who still cannot manage to eat a reasonable variety of everyday foods? Maybe your eight year old eats just three...
After the excesses of Christmas, most of us pledge to be healthier and eat better in the new year. Unfortunately for many, these good intentions are laid to waste before January is out. This is partly...