Six tips to make for a September health kick

Are you back from your holiday and full of good intentions to start a health kick to keep on feeling as healthy and energised as you were whilst on holiday? Absolutely do it! But how do you do it and how do you make it last? With so much information in the media and from friends and family, it can be challenging to know where to start and maintain it. 


Six tips to stay healthy 

Here is some advice on how to start your health kick and make your new habits last for a lifetime.

1. Don't follow a diet that worked for someone else 

Don't follow a diet because it worked with a friend or a  family member, as it doesn't mean you will obtain the same results. Same thing for supplements – if somebody you know is benefiting from taking a probiotic, it doesn’t mean you will benefit too.  We are all unique individuals, and so should our diet and eventual supplementation, which should always be recommended by a professional after evaluation of your current eating habits and medical history.

2. Don't fall for fads

Don't blindly trust fad diets and nutrition trends that promise quick results. Those kinds of diets are likely to provide insufficient Kcalories and micronutrients, putting the body in a dangerous state of deficiency. Very restrictive diets can also alter hormonal balance, increasing cortisol levels which might rise 'reverse T3' - a thyroid hormone which slows down this gland activity and consequently the metabolism. This is a preservation mechanism - if starved the body will slow down to preserve as much energy as possible, and when fed again will increase energy stores (fat deposits) as much as possible to face another "starvation".

3. Look after your gut 

Take care of your gut microbiota. The bacteria in our gut are involved in several metabolic functions, including metabolism, blood glucose management, immunity and neurotransmitter production. Unbalanced or self-made diets where certain food groups are cut out without a reason, might not provide enough fibre and nutrients to ensure optimal gut microbiota health. The most common example is gluten, which many people cut out because it is not considered "healthy". There is no reason to do so unless you are celiac, and cutting out whole grains and carbs can deprive you of fibre and minerals. Many gluten-free products are not nutritionally great, as they tend to contain more sugars and be more processed than the gluten-containing version.

4. Allow for treats 

Don't worry if you "fall of the wagon" once in a while - this expression should not exist as there is no such thing as a "wagon" or an "all or nothing" approach. In a balanced diet, there is space for favourite foods, and it is totally OK to enjoy them in moderation or when socialising. A nutritionist will recommend not to have crisps every day with a lunch meal-deal, but will say is OK to have them once in a while as a treat, for example. 

5. It doesn't have to be dull 

Think of your new diet as a new way of eating - it doesn't have to be dull or feeling restrictive. A professional can help create a plan full of enjoyable options which will leave you satisfied while enabling you to reach your goals.

6. Look for support 

Inform your friends and family about your goals and what you are doing to achieve them so that they can support you in your journey. 

If you'd like further help in creating and maintaining a healthy diet, you can find a nutritional professional on Nutritionist Resource or you can contact me


The views expressed in this article are those of the author. All articles published on Nutritionist Resource are reviewed by our editorial team.

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London, Greater London, W1G 7HY
Written by Lucia Stansbie, Registered Nutritional Therapist, Dip CNM, mBANT, mCNHC
London, Greater London, W1G 7HY

Lucia Stansbie, BANT registered Nutritional Therapist founder of Food Power Nutrition

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