Samantha Josephs

Verified Professional task_alt Verified Professional
Verified Professional

Every professional displayed on Nutritionist Resource has been independently verified by our team to ensure they have suitable credentials to practise.

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Accepting new clients

This professional is available for new clients.

location_on Crouch End, London, N8
Accepting new clients
Accepting new clients

This professional is available for new clients.

About me

Working as a Reg­is­tered Nutri­tional Ther­a­pist in a North Lon­don prac­tise since 2008 using a Func­tional Med­i­cine approach to Lifestyle Med­i­cine. Experience encom­passes a wide vari­ety of con­di­tions but special interest is in brain health as well as liv­ing with dietary restric­tions, includ­ing dairy-free and/or gluten-free, vegetarian or vegan diets. Personal interest and expertise in supporting clients with MS and autoimmunity, as well as ASD and behavioural issues and mental health concerns.

Training, qualifications & experience

BA Hons degree at Leeds Uni­ver­sity, then went on to enrol in BCNH (UK Col­lege of Nutri­tion and Health) grad­u­at­ing with Dis­tinc­tion in Nutri­tional Ther­apy, 2008. Full mem­ber of BANT (British Asso­ci­a­tion of Nutri­tion and Lifestyle Med­i­cine), and the CNHC (Com­ple­men­tary & Nat­ural Health­care Coun­cil),

Guest lec­turer for the Insti­tute of Opti­mum Nutri­tion (ION) and University of Northampton train­ing upcom­ing nutri­tional ther­apy stu­dents in a vari­ety of con­di­tions, includ­ing Mul­ti­ple Scle­ro­sis, Parkinson’s Disease, Autism and ADHD, Alzheimers and Dementia as well as Mental Health.

Very active in the MS com­mu­nity and has pre­sented to many MS sup­port groups, includ­ing tak­ing part on an expert panel at the MS Society's MSLife Expo in 2016. Works as a facil­i­ta­tor for the char­ity Over­com­ing Mul­ti­ple Scle­ro­sis pre­sent­ing at con­fer­ences, host­ing webi­nars and facil­i­tat­ing retreats. Is a key nutritional contributor for the MS Academy's upcoming Healthy Living Services project, to provide dietary and lifestyle support in NHS clinics.

Under­taken a variety of projects tack­ling health and nutri­tion within schools and col­leges involv­ing prac­ti­cal hands-on edu­ca­tion for stu­dents, par­ents and staff in order to improve nutri­tional stan­dards whilst sup­port­ing spe­cific edu­ca­tional needs.

Member organisations

Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC)

The CNHC encompasses many types of alternative therapy, including massage, aromatherapy and nutrition.

In order to be admitted to the register a practitioner must have studied to the National Occupational Standards for that profession/discipline, or have reached the equivalent of the National Occupational Standards through other relevant training or at least three years of experience and been assessed by their peers.

A practitioner must also have professional insurance and agree to abide by the CNHC Code of Conduct, Performance and Ethics.

British Association for Applied Nutrition and Nutritional Therapy (BANT)

The British Association for Applied Nutrition and Nutritional Therapy is the professional body for Nutritional Therapists. There are different BANT membership classes, including Full Member, Fellow Member and Student Member. All BANT practitioners must have met the required standards of training, be fully insured and adhere to the BANT Code of Ethics and Practice.

Accredited register membership

Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council
Accredited Register Scheme

The Accredited Register Scheme was set up in 2013 by the Department of Health (DoH) as a way to recognise organisations that hold voluntary registers which meet certain standards. These standards are set by the Professional Standards Authority (PSA).

This therapist has indicated that they belong to an Accredited Register.

Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council

Nutrition topics

info Information about health conditions (*)

Nutritional therapy can help enhance the well-being of individuals diagnosed with serious medical conditions, but should not take the place of medical treatment and advice. If you have been diagnosed with - or suspect you may have - any of these conditions, please speak to your doctor before starting nutritional therapy or making any major changes to your diet or lifestyle.


Free initial telephone session

Additional information

Contact for more information on programs and packages.

Prices start from £160.

Crouch End, London, N8

Type of session

In person

Types of client

Young people (13-17)
Young adults (18-24)
Adults (25-64)
Older Adults (65+)

Online platforms

