Menopause reset: overcoming setbacks & achieving goals

If you're trying to improve menopause symptoms like hot flushes, poor sleep, and brain fog, or you have a weight loss goal, consistently taking the steps you need with food and lifestyle is absolutely key. You know this. But left to your own devices, it’s super easy to hit the f-it button when things feel tricky because it’s exhausting feeling like you need to be 100% responsible for your health all the time when you already have so many other things to do.


Because consistency is your secret weapon in nailing these annoying symptoms of perimenopause (and even post-menopause). In this article, I’m diving into some actionable tips and strategies to help you stay on track with your menopause and health goals, even when the going gets tough.

1. Curiosity is key 

When faced with challenges, approach them with curiosity rather than judgement. Explore why certain changes felt difficult. Understanding your triggers and identifying potential solutions is key to making sustainable progress on your menopause journey. Accidentally found yourself eating three of the muffins you bought for the kids? Instead of beating yourself up, be more ‘oh, this is interesting. What has happened today such that the muffin action was the net result?’ Berating yourself makes you feel bad and prevents you from being able to get valuable data from the incident, which can help you further down the line.

2. Review your habits

Keeping a food diary or habit tracker can be incredibly enlightening. Yes, it might seem like yet another thing to have to do, but really this is gold and it won’t take you a lot of time to do. Doesn’t matter whether it’s the notes section of your phone or an actual journal, write down what you eat every day. Again, do not pass judgement or have a view on whether these things are good or bad.

Keeping a food journal allows you to notice patterns like how often you experience menopausal symptoms because it’s a vehicle for helicoptering out of the day-to-day so you can assess the data. It’s not just for when you are trying to achieve a particular goal like losing a certain amount of weight. It's easy to slip back into old patterns without even realising it. Perhaps you're consuming more of the foods that trigger your symptoms or indulging in extra snacks and treats. Awareness is the first step towards positive change.

3. Prioritise sleep and stress management

Lack of sleep and high-stress levels can wreak havoc on your health, especially during menopause. Stress makes everything worse, makes you gain weight (and blocks fat burning), makes you anxious, and tired (obviously), you’ll make poorer food choices and it sabotages your relationships. Menopause is bad enough but stress and lack of sleep are like pouring petrol on the fire. You can’t always guarantee things will go the way you want in terms of reducing stress and maximising sleep but it starts with making a proper priority of both.

Aim for at least seven hours of quality sleep each night and prioritise stress relief activities daily. Whether it's meditation, a walk in nature, or simply practising self-care, make time for activities that nourish your mind and body. I know this will feel like something too if you have the time (which you won’t) but you will love your life a lot more, be nicer to be around and help your menopause symptoms if you focus on this aspect.

4. Stay hydrated 

Don't underestimate the power of drinking water. It’s free (just like sleep) and this is probably why we don’t give it the attention it deserves. Drinking enough water not only supports your overall health but can also alleviate menopausal symptoms. From flushing out toxins to supporting immune function - and helping you lose weight (yes, really) - staying hydrated is non-negotiable. 2 litres a day minimum. Get one of the BPA-free bottles that hold 2 litres and keep it on your desk so you can see exactly what you are drinking.

5. Embrace emotional well-being

Sounds a bit opaque but really what I mean to say here is that menopause isn't just about physical changes – it's also a time of emotional transition. In this modern day (and I appreciate I sound like an old lady speaking like this), we take on way too much. We spent so long not being able to do things as women for societal reasons, but now we can, we have the jobs of our grandfathers, and all the childrearing and other types of caring of our grandmothers. We are literally doing two jobs and not resting enough or checking in with how we feel. Take time to acknowledge and address your feelings. Identify what emotions you're experiencing and explore ways to fulfil your needs. Whether it's feeling
appreciated, loved, or relaxed, create an action plan to nurture your emotional well-being.

Quick wins:

Start with one of the things I mentioned above and do that for one week religiously. I might be tempted to start with the food diary, which will give you back a sense of control over your life.

I might also be tempted to bring in a moment of reflection each week - say Sunday evening - in which you can spend just a few minutes thinking about how the week has gone for you. It’s not about being perfect, but just acknowledging how things are right now. Ask yourself, what am I pleased with that has gone well this week? What other improvements have you noticed?

Working with a coach to fix whatever isn't working in your health (like your menopause) means you have someone on your side to help you navigate them and steer you to a more empowering course of action. 

But always remember, your menopause journey is unique to you. Embrace the process, stay curious, and keep moving forward one step at a time. With the right nutrition, lifestyle changes, and support system, you can navigate this phase of life with confidence and grace. If you're ready to take the next step towards empowering your menopause journey, visit my profile page to see how you can apply to work with me. You deserve to feel your best, and with the right tools and guidance, you can thrive through menopause and beyond. 

The views expressed in this article are those of the author. All articles published on Nutritionist Resource are reviewed by our editorial team.

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Chelmsford, CM1
Written by Ailsa Hichens, Dip ION BANT Menopause Nutrition & Nutrigenomics Specialist
Chelmsford, CM1

Ailsa Hichens BA (Hons) Dip ION mBANT CNHC. Ailsa is a nutrition coach specialising in metabolic weight loss and hormone balance. She helps women reach their happy weight, get back in control of their health and create a life they love. Find out more, grab your free ebook, or book a free mini consult at food

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