Persistent cystitis or UTI's?
Cystitis is an inflammation of the bladder caused by infection and/or irritation. It is more common in women because anatomically they are more predisposed to an infection penetrating into the bladder. The woman’s urethra (the tube that runs from the bladder to the outside of the body) is much shorter than the man’s. It is approximately 5cm, whereas the males’ is 18cm. The urethra is also close to the anus and vagina in women, this means that bacterial microbiome may reach the urethra much more easily and more often, in comparison to men because of the distant anatomical position of the anus.
Cystitis is so common that almost every second woman will experience symptoms at some point in their life.
The bladder, vagina and colon are very close to each other and if the protection of the cell walls is not strong enough and the immune system is suppressed by stress and other factors, this may result in the migration of bacteria to the uterus where the infection takes place. As an example, E. Coli is the most common trigger for the UTI’s. E. Coli is naturally present in the bowel, where it does not cause any harm, but once it reaches the bladder, that’s when the issues begin.
What increases the risk of cystitis?
- Low immunity.
- Persistent stress.
- Acidic foods and drinks.
- Bad intimate hygiene.
- Chemicals from water, soaps.
Necessary actions to implement if you suffer from UTI’s
- Support immunity by decreasing stress and providing highly dense nutrient food, probiotic food and multivitamins.
- Reduce stress at all costs. Maybe try to find out more about mindfulness and Emotional Freedom Techniques. Improving your sleep hygiene would help to reduce stress and make a big impact on your overall well-being.
- Eliminate all processed food, sugar and acidic drinks. Aim for a low carbohydrate diet and high in cruciferous vegetables such as: cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, bok choy and kale. Your plate should be in the following proportions: 70% vegetables and 30% good source of protein.
- Drink plenty of water! You need to produce two litres of urine a day! Your minimum water intake should be one and a half to two litres of clean, warm, filtered water and two or three herbal tea (ginger, tulsi, oolong, mint).
- Improve your hygiene:
- Do not use tampons, they damage good microflora in the vagina, which make it more prone to dysbiosis and the transition of it to the uterus.
- Change the pads every three to four hours, and use intimate natural wet wipes to clean the residue before putting the new towel in.
- Use organic pads, this investment is priceless, as most of the commercial brands contain many of chemicals among which bleach.
- Wipe yourself from front to back all the times and not the other way round.
- Wash yourself twice a day, am and pm. If for any reason you cannot take a shower, take a little bit of water to wash your intimate area while sitting on the toilet.
- Urinate frequently, do not hold if possible; your health is priority.
- When out of your cycle, use your vaginal and anus muscle to contract and relax every day, try to aim for at least 200 times a day. This will increase blood circulation to the bladder and the vagina which will supply them with micronutrients, clear up accumulated toxins and most important bring the immune cells which will fight bad flora and microbes.
- Do not bathe, use a shower.
- Have sex only when you are ready and try to urinate immediately after sexual intercourse to decrease chances of bacteria in the uterus travelling to the bladder.
- Avoid perfumed soaps and vaginal deodorants at all times.
- Wear cotton underwear and avoid tightly fitted trousers, especially jeans. Aim for a skirt and wear pajamas without underwear.
- Make sure to wash your underwear, pajamas and bed linen separately from socks and other clothes and use a high temperature, 90 degrees!
- It would be beneficial if you iron your underwear, pajamas and bed linen.
- Do not allow pets sleep in your bed!
- If you believe in the mind – body connection, then you might like to consider or reflect on further possible causes of UTI’s and the affirmations of Louse Hay on cystitis:
- Possible cause: being frustrated/angry with someone (partner?). Fear of letting go. Holding onto old ideas. Anxiety.
- New thought pattern: I comfortable and easily release the old and welcome the new in my life. I am safe.