How to add coconut oil to your diet

Coconut oil is a powerful natural detoxifier (with antiviral and antibacterial properties) hailed for boosting immune function and energy levels.

Other benefits are thought to include better brain health and mental clarity, loss of body fat, improved thyroid function, clearer skin and smoother digestion.

To help you make the most of this delicious ingredient, we have a step-by-step guide to add coconut oil to your diet - whatever your health and lifestyle goals.

Can coconut oil be added to any diet?

The benefits of coconut oil are enhanced when it is consumed alongside a balanced diet. Experts recommend keeping sugar and unhealthy fat consumption to a minimum and opting for whole grains and unprocessed foods to maximise the benefits.

How do you use coconut oil?

Coconuts are plants and 100% raw coconut oil can be added to any combination of foods or used in cooking.

Baking - You can substitute coconut oil 1:1 for shortening, margarine, vegetable oil or any other kind of oil.

Spread it - Coconut oil can also be used as a topping for toast and cooked vegetables instead of butter.

Smoothies - Adding a dash of coconut oil to your morning smoothie is an easy way to include it in your diet.

Tea and coffee - You can also add a few spoonfuls in to your cup of tea or coffee to boost flavour.

How much coconut oil do you need?

If you’re in relatively good health with no major health issues, it is recommended that you consume between one and three tablespoons of coconut oil daily.

If you are feeling under the weather and in need of a boost, you should up your intake to three to six tablespoons daily.

(One tablespoon = 15ml).

Please note

Coconut oil should be added slowly to your diet to help the body adjust, and should only be consumed with food.


The views expressed in this article are those of the author. All articles published on Nutritionist Resource are reviewed by our editorial team.

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