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You may have heard of the Autoimmune Paleo diet (AIP) and written it off as a fad. Or you may feel overwhelmed by t...
There is much pressure to eat fashionable foods like spinach smoothies, hummus, olive oil, milk, tomatoes, red wine...
Respiratory infections, like flu and coronaviruses, come every winter. Let's look at some preventative measures you...
Most of us have heard of the five a day message, but the majority of us don’t meet this advice and often it c...
With months of warmer weather ahead, we’re all looking forward to getting outside to enjoy the fresh air, and...
Apparently, Jeniffer Aniston’s morning regime includes: waking up between 8:30 am and 9 am; no solid food unt...
There are a lot of sugar ‘alternatives’ now available and common in healthier versions of your favourite bakes and every health food store. Are they actually better for you than table suga...
Did you know that through diet you can improve your brain function, ability to concentrate and get more stuff done?...
What do Gwyneth Paltrow, Jennifer Aniston and Elle Macpherson and many more have in common? If you can't guess, and...
Testosterone is the main sex hormones in males, but females also produce some, along with the main female sex hormo...
You wake up each day and promise yourself that today will be different. Or you plan for the beginning of the next m...
Are you in your 40s and have you started to notice the not-so-subtle changes your body is making? It seems to be mi...
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