IBS - it doesn't have to be difficult to make changes
As a nutritionist who suffers from IBS I know from experience the discomfort and bloatedness IBS can cause. I found that it even affected my confidence as my stomach bulged out and I couldn't do my clothes up. I'd think of excuses not to go out, wear baggy tops and constantly worry. The worry and stress of the IBS then created a viscious circle of recurring symptoms, and the low mood would lead to poor eating.
Does that sound familiar?
IBS can be reduced and symptoms managed with easy steps. Each patient is very individual in their symptom cycle but one thing which runs as a common thread throughout, is the level of committment to change and how we approach it can affect the outcome.
Throughout my years of working with IBS I have found that there is a definate corrulation between committment to change and improvement in health. Individuals who could embrace changes to lifestyle and diet and make a full-time committment to these reported greater and longer term improvement to their health.
For IBS sufferers, including myself, our lifestyles and modern living can really take it's toll on our digestive health and, unless we make the changes, we will continue too experience the problems.
When you first consult a Nutritionist like myself, it may seem daunting and you may feel extremely challenged. This is perfectly natural and part of the changing process.
If you battle with changes and only focus on what you can't eat rather than what you can, think about the foods you miss rather than be excited about the new foods you are going to try, there is a danger that the experience will be negative and fail.
If you embrace the changes and see it as a positive challenge and a learning experience the whole process will be simpler and kinder on yourself.
So, IBS does not have to be a negative experience, IBS can be a learning curve with enormous potential to gain knowledge about new foods and how too combine them.