Are you prediabetic?
Prediabetes or borderline diabetes is a metabolic condition and growing global problem that is closely tied to obesity and, which is an early stage of diabetes and may put you at greater risk of heart disease.
Prediabetes is used to describe people at risk of diabetes because they have impaired glucose metabolism, but who do not meet the criteria for diabetes and often do not have any symptoms, as yet.
It is a term that was introduced by the American Diabetes Association (ADA), although, some scientists do not agree with this definition. It includes
- impaired glucose tolerance
- above normal glucose blood concentration after fasting
- above normal glycated haemoglobin (a marker of average blood glucose concentration).
Can I stop prediabetes developing into type 2 diabetes?
The good new is yes, that you should be able to prevent prediabetes developing into Type 2 diabetes via a healthy diet and physical activity.
“Healthy diet and physical activity remain the best ways to prevent and to tackle diabetes,” says Victor Montori, Professor of Medicine at the Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, USA. “Unlike drugs they are associated with incredibly positive effects in other aspects of life."
The two main dietary culprits are sugary foods and drinks as well as high refined carbohydrates, such as foods with low fibre contents, like white flours and bread. Too much fat can also impair proper glucose metabolism. Please see: for more information.
Exercise or appropriate physical activity, can also lower your risk.
Keeping a food diary is a good start, as you may be able to identify culprits that are impacting negatively on your blood glucose management.
If you still require further help, you could also as a trained nutritional therapist to carry out a dietary evaluation, as they will be able to work out from your diet history how to improve what you are eating and how to avoid hidden sugars or what foods to avoid or how to wean yourself of sugar effectively, by employing some simple strategies and delicious alternatives to the sugary foods so readily available.