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If you exercise hard enough, you will start to sweat, which is your body’s way of cooling itself, and it is n...
According to a BBC report* sales of protein products in the UK totalled £170m in 2012 and are forecast to rea...
I’ve met a number of people who believe that by exercising they need not worry about what they eat. Nothing c...
Why is recovery necessary? Hard training and racing affects us in a number of ways. The longer and harder we exerc...
Whether you're running your first marathon or simply exercising hard for longer than an hour, chances are you'll ne...
Adding protein powder to foods such as bread and ice cream is fast becoming the latest nutritional trend for fitnes...
You've made the effort to get out there and exercise - now how do you make sure you refuel your body for optimum re...
There's nothing more refreshing on a balmy summer's evening than an ice cold smoothie garnished with chunks of frui...
Every food choice you make affects the way your body works - so how do make sure you're eating the right things for...
Since the Olympics the sporting world has gone absolutely crazy for beet juice – a natural juice that has been scie...
How the body makes energy The body uses energy in the form of something called adenosine triphosphate, or ATP for...
Ever since the London Olympics kicked off last week in a blur of gyrating peasants, parachuting monarchs and jaw-dr...
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