Having TV free days can cut obesity
The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) have put together a draft guidance document in an attempt to improve the health of the nation. Within this guidance is a list of recommendations which include routine TV free days, limited computer use and taking up active hobbies.
Alongside these recommendations NICE say we should get enough sleep, follow a Mediterranean diet, increase our daily activity levels and take up active hobbies. The guidance also pointed out that pedometers or other wearable activity monitors can help boost motivation.
All of this advice may sound obvious, but it is nonetheless important.
Professor Mike Kelly is the director of the Centre for Public Health at NICE and said the following:
“Obesity rates have nearly doubled over the last 10 years and continue to be a huge concern for local authorities and the health service in England. NICE has already published a range of guidelines to help prevent and manage obesity, but this draft update focuses on the changes individuals can make that might help them reduce their risk of overweight and obesity. Following a healthier diet and being more physically active is important for everyone, not just if you are already overweight or obese.”
He also pointed out that the new recommendations are more specific and based on real evidence.
“This updated guideline makes a number of recommendations which aim to ensure that the advice people are given about maintaining a healthy weight is more specific and based on real evidence.”
It is hoped that this more specific advice will make it clear to people what changes need to be made to maintain a healthy weight.