Forget coffee, fight fatigue with food

Fight fatigue vitamin CAfter enjoying the long bank holiday weekend this Easter, it can be difficult and tiring getting back into the work routine again. 

It’s easy to get used to those luxury lie-ins and there’s no worse sound than the trill of an alarm clock at 7am on Tuesday morning. Plus with all of those chocolate eggs consumed, we’ll all need at least a week to recover from the sugar coma.

Unfortunately office nap rooms haven’t been invented yet, so we’ll need to find other ways of fending off the midday fatigue. Often, we underestimate the importance of our diets and the drastic effects food has on our body and minds.

Next time you can’t stop yourself thinking about your cosy bed, try heading instead to the fridge.

Fighting fatigue is simply a case of arming yourself with the right weaponry, all easily available straight from your local supermarket:

Weapon one: Vitamin C

Fend off annoying sniffles and coughs with Vitamin C. Vitamin C comes in citrus fruit including oranges, pineapples, kiwis and grapefruit. Aim to eat two portions a day as vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant, meaning that it strengthens the immune system and fights against viruses. It also encourages the absorption or iron from other food so your body can get the most of the nutrients from the food you eat.

Weapon two: Magnesium

Suffering from aches, muscle tiredness and cramps? You might not be consuming enough magnesium. Magnesium is essential for over 300 biochemical reactions across the body. It aides muscle contraction and therefore helps with movement. You can find magnesium in things like muesli, dried fruit and dark chocolate, making it easy to slip into breakfast or healthy snacks throughout the day.

Weapon three: Vitamin E

If you’re a fish lover, you’re in luck. Fish is packed full of Vitamin E, which plays a protective role in cellular membrane and helps the brain to function properly. This helps you to feel more alert and increases your concentration levels, allowing you to breeze through those morning meetings. Try to eat at least two portions of fish a week and try to choose oily fish such as salmon and mackerel for a good dose of healthy fat.

Weapon four: Calcium

As children, we were constantly told to drink milk for strong bones. However, calcium is also great for easing muscle movement and boosting energy. Having a deficiency in calcium makes the smallest activity laborious and tiring, so make sure you stock up on natural yoghurt and milk.

Weapon five: Iron

Iron deficiency can make us look pale and feel week and is thought to be a cause of anaemia. Eat plenty of red meat, including steak, black pudding and roast beef for a boost of energy and strength to your blood.

Always consult a GP if you plan to significantly change your diet because everyone has different reactions to different foods. For professional nutritional advice, you are advised to see a nutritionist.

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Written by Zoe Thomas
Written by Zoe Thomas
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