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Exam time is fast approaching for many students and now is the time to start thinking about preparing the body and mind for the challenges ahead. Kee…
For many parents, cutting gluten and dairy out of their child’s diet seems like an impossible task. Especially when your child only eats five foods a…
You have probably heard the media hype around superfoods. It's quite a controversial area as many people believe that the term is nothing but a marke…
1. Fried chicken Fried chicken is a popular dish for take out dinners. Restaurants advertise that the chicken is cooked at a high heat, preventing t…
They won’t. Children labelled ‘picky eaters’ have something much more complex going on than plain fussiness or using food refusal to exercise power.…
It's all over the newspapers - our children are getting bigger. Even the fifth National Child's Measurements Programme (NCMP) has recently revealed t…
It's a huge problem for parents to get their kids to eat well. Quite often, at various stages of development, children will start to go off foods tha…
Why make your own baby food? Making your own baby food is a great thing to do. The trouble with shop-bought baby food is that it is a rather one-siz…
We all know the benefits of eating “5 A Day” but the practicalities of getting our children to follow this message is another thing! Below are some t…
Weaning (also referred to as complementary feeding) is the process of introducing babies to solid foods. What, and how, you feed your child is crucia…
Learn about iron-rich foods for babies, the types of iron, and how to enhance absorption to support healthy growth and brain development.
Discover when and how to wean your baby safely, focusing on their developmental readiness and nutrition needs for a positive experience.
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