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The festive season is here, and there are fewer things we hate more than adding a few pounds over the festive season. We all know how December is all…
A few months ago, I was at a seminar where one of the speakers was discussing his own genetics and how he has overcome his “faulty” genes to recover…
How many times have you heard people say that they don't understand why they're not loosing weight? They're following a strict diet and they're exerc…
The humble egg has had good press and bad press over the years, but it has emerged as a modern-day superhero, because of its nutritional makeup. If w…
Good news for those who are interested in protecting their heart, as the right diet and lifestyle can substantially reduce your risk of developing th…
Are you eating healthy food and exercising regularly but the scale won’t budge? Or even worse, your weight is going up. You start counting every calo…
January is traditionally a time of abstinence, radical change and #fitspo from fresh-faced Instagrammers. Taking self-improvement to the next level,…
Alcohol and cancer - how big a problem is it? It is well known since 1988 that alcohol causes cancer when it was classified as a group 1 carcinogen…
Many people feel that they should be able to lose weight on their own so they first embark on doing it their way and by going to places like slimming…
Fasting is fast becoming a new health trend and is worth considering for supporting a variety of conditions, such as digestive imbalances, detoxifica…
Extreme Diet #1 – Crash dieting and fasting Reducing the amount we eat dramatically will only cause us to crave food more. Strict dieting can result…
Do you know any naturally slim people who manage to eat whatever they want, whenever they want, and never have to worry about their weight? Have you,…
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